Fundraising Mastery for early-stage founders from CEE — supercharge your game!

✅ Applications are now closed.

👋 Hey there, founder!

Fundraising is frustrating, but it really shouldn’t be. We feel you, founders — we’ve been there too, and we want to pour the collective wisdom of community in the next generation of CEE-born unicorns so that it’s just that little less stressful for you.

Following last year’s success, we’re launching Fundraising School 2.0, an actionable & comprehensive 4-module bootcamp that is rooted in the experience of 200+ successful startup founders & operators and covers early-stage fundraising needs. The course culminates in curated, individual speed-dating sessions with top-tier angel investors & VCs, setting you up for success in the Q4 2024 fundraising game.

<aside> 👀 Last year's cohort of 83 graduates had 120 investor meetings, resulting in 30% conversion for follow-up meetings, 2 invitations to accelerators, 1 early acquisition kick off, and €3.5M (and counting) raised!


By the end of the course you will have:

✅ Built a solid fundraising strategy

✅ Polished your elevator pitch

✅ Improved your pitch deck

✅ Refined your term sheet

✅ Crafted intro emails (and actually connected with seasoned investors some of whom may write the next check for you)

✅ Connected with like-minded founders in a supportive community, all to get Q4 2024 fundraising nailed

In other words, you will have equipped yourself with the Swiss knife to get cracking with raising capital with foot in the door at the region’s most esteemed VC offices. We genuinely want to make the process as painless as possible, so you can focus on building your startup.

This program is possible thanks to a partnership with Investment & Development Agency of Latvia.